Community development program

Who we are:

We are Al Jalil Association, it is a local non - profit organization for registration number 1668. It was established..

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Our Strategic Aims:

We aim to support young children who are mostly at risk of violence and...

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برنامج التنمية المجتمعية


يسعى برنامج التنمية المجتمعية إلى تحريك جميع الموارد المتوفرة في المجتمع المحلي.



من عمر  14-25  (من الجنسين) خاصة المعرضين لمخاطر العنف والتسرب المدرسي بهدف تمكينهم وتفعيل دورهم في تحمل المسؤولية وذلك من خلال:

تطوير قدراتهم في مجال العمل التطوعي.

توجيههم مهنياً وتمليكهم مهارات حياتية.

إعداد قيادات شبابية لأدارة مشاريع تنموية اجتماعية صحية وبيئية.

المشاركة في عمل دراسات للاحتياجات حول المشكلات في المجتمع المحلي.


يعمل البرنامج مع النساء والفتيات المهمشات لتفعيل دورهن في اتخاذ قرار ولعب أدوار قيادية في المجتمع المحلي من خلال:

توعيتهن على حقوقهن وحقوق الطفل، وكيفية التواصل مع أطفالهن وحمايتهن، وتمليكهن مهارات حياتية وتربوية.

تفعيل مشاركتهن في المجتمع المحلي من خلال اللجان.

تطوير مهاراتهن في المهارات الحياتيه والمهنيه.

المجتمع المحلي:

نعمل بالشراكة مع المجتمع المحلي، مدارس، مؤسسات محليه ودوليه، وفعاليات من أجل تحريكهم والتنسيق معهم باتجاه قضايا حقوق الإنسان.

Community Development Program

The Community Development Program tries to mobilize all the available resources of the local community and empower its members and groups to participate in the decision-making which impacts their lives, as well as takes control over their personal lives.

The program works with:


The program works with youth aged 14-25 (male and female), especially those at risk of violence and dropping out of the school, and aims to promote and empower their role in the local community through:

  • Strengthening their skill in volunteering work.
  • Directing them to vocational training centers and assisting them to improve their life skills.
  • Preparing youth leadership to manage community development, social, health, and environmental projects.
  • Participating in filed research, surveys, needs-assessment about the various problems in the local community.


This program works with women and marginalized girls to promote their role in decision-making and leadership in the local community through:

  • Raising awareness about women’s and children’s rights, protecting their rights, and empowering them by improving their life and educational skills.
  • It also encourages their participation in the local community through the committees.
  • Overall, it develops their life skills and vocational capacities such as provision, weaving the wool..

Local community

We work in collaboration with members of local communities, such as schools, parents, NGO's, INGO's and activists in order to coordinate with them in addressing the issues of Human rights.

women cjc
women cjc
women cjc
women cjc
workshop for women cjc
women cjc
women cjc

Our Partners


CJC Bank account:

Client ID: 078331

Client Name:


Number: 078331 051 011 033 11

IBAN: LB55006800007833105101103311


Children of Al Jalil Center

Children of Al – Jalil Center – Bekaa, Lebanon

+961-3-190896  /  +961-8-371799