+961 3 190896 - +961 8 371799
Al JALIL Association COVID19 POLICY 2020 Lebanon
What is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus (World Health Organization - WHO 2020).
The majority of people who contract coronavirus will experience a mild or moderate illness that affects their
respiratory system, however, particular populations such as the elderly and people with chronic conditions such as
heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory illnesses and cancers are at risk of developing more significant illness (WHO,2020).
COVID 19 spreads mainly through saliva droplets or nasal discharge. Therefore, measures to prevent catching the
disease or reduce the spread are designed to limit the transmission of these bodily fluids from person to person.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
It is important to be aware the COVID 19 affects different people in a variety of ways (WHO, 2020).
It takes 1 -14 days for a person to show symptoms once they have contracted the illness (WHO, 2020).
According the WHO (2020) the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are: Fever -Tiredness - Dry cough
Other less common symptoms include aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis,
headache, loss of taste or smell, rash, discoloration of fingers or toes or diarrhea (WHO, 2020 ).
Symptoms are often mild and begin gradually (WHO,2020)
Serious symptoms of COVID 19 are difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure and/ or loss
of movement or speech (WHO, 2020).
If you experience any of these serious symptoms you should contact a medical professional immediately
it is important that you call them before arriving at the clinic (WHO, 2020).
What are the ways to prevent the disease and reduce the rate of transmission?
Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills virus that may be on your hands (WHO, 2020).
Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing (WHO, 2020).
Covering mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough orsneeze.
Then dispose of the used tissue immediately (WHO, 2020).
Avoid touching your face (WHO, 2020).
Avoid shaking hands and just wave (WHO,2020).
Avoid hugging or kissing others (WHO,2020).
Avoid contact with animals (live or dead) (WHO,2020).
Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people (WHO, 2020).
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Children of Al Jalil Center – Bekaa, Lebanon
+961-3-190896 / +961-8-371799
www.aljalil.org / www.cjc-lb.org